Canada issues preliminary antidumping margins on wire rod imports from three countries

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has announced the preliminary determination of its antidumping (AD) duty investigation against certain wire rod from China, Egypt and Vietnam. The estimated dumping margins are as follows: China : 50.9 percent and 71.1 percent Egypt : 49.7 percent and 99.8 percent Vietnam : 6.1 percent, 18.3 percent, 38.9 percent The products subject to the preliminary duty currently fall under the below listed Customs Tariff... Read More

Canada launches antidumping probe against rebar imports from three countries

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has announced that it has launched an antidumping (AD) duty investigation to determine whether certain rebar from Bulgaria, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates are being sold at unfair prices in Canada. The investigation is the result of a complaint filed by ArcelorMittal Long Products Canada, G.P., Gerdau Ameristeel Corporation, and AltaSteel Inc. The CBSA will investigate whether the imports are being dumped... Read More

IREPAS in Berlin : Weak demand, great uncertainty and aggressive Asian exports

The 90th meeting of IREPAS (the International Rebar Exporters and Producers Association) was held in Berlin on April 28-30 in conjunction with the SteelOrbis Spring’24 Conference. There were 104 representatives from 41 different producers among the 445 registered delegates from a total of 57 different countries. There were also 91 registrations representing 52 different raw material suppliers. At the opening of the conference, Murat Cebecioglu,... Read More

Canada launches antidumping probe against wire rod imports from three countries

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has announced that it has launched an antidumping (AD) duty investigation to determine whether certain wire rod from China, Egypt, and Vietnam are being sold at unfair prices in Canada. The investigation is the result of a complaint by Ivaco Rolling Mills. The CBSA will investigate whether the imports are being dumped and will make a preliminary decision within 90 days, at which time provisional duties may... Read More

Short Range Outlook : February 2024

Some decisive positive developments still awaited in global longs market It seems like everybody in the global long steel products is waiting for some really positive developments to materialize. However, unfortunately, there is no substantive positive news coming out of China. Nevertheless, the country is driving iron ore prices and coal prices, while many long product mills are working to keep margins between scrap and finished products on the... Read More

IREPAS in Barcelona: Challenging times for global longs industry

The 88th meeting of IREPAS (the International Rebar Exporters and Producers Association) was held in Barcelona, on May 7-9, 2023, in conjunction with the SteelOrbis Spring ’23 Conference. There were 157 producer representatives from 58 different companies among the 553 registered delegates from a total of 55 different countries. There were also 81 registrations representing 43 different raw material suppliers. At the opening of the conference, Murat... Read More

Canada banned the import of all Russian aluminum and steel products

Canada banned the import of all Russian aluminum and steel products in a move that Ottawa said was aimed at denying Russia the ability to fund its war against Ukraine. The ban covers both finished and unfinished products according to the statement.  Read More

Canada to maintain antidumping duties on rebar imports from six countries

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) has announced that it will continue to impose antidumping (AD) duty on reinforcing bar imports from six countries, namely, Belarus, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Portugal, and Spain, following the conclusion of the expiry review. The applicable duties range between 2.4 percent and 108.5 percent. The antidumping duties were imposed in May 2017. The products in question currently fall under Customs Tariff... Read More

IREPAS in Monaco: The current crisis is a once-in-a-generation event

The 87th meeting of IREPAS (the International Rebar Exporters and Producers Association) was held in Monaco, on October 9-11, 2022, in conjunction with the SteelOrbis Fall ’22 Conference. There were 108 producer representatives from 40 different companies among the 407 registered delegates from a total of 48 different countries. There were also 69 registrations representing 43 different raw material suppliers. At the opening of the conference, Murat... Read More

Short Range Outlook : February 2022

Global longs market boosted by improving demand and many positive factors Demand is picking up in the global long steel products market after the holidays and it will be even better once the weather becomes warmer in the northern hemisphere. It seems the market is getting back to normal. Section 232 is practically over. General demand is strengthening with the pandemic possibly coming to an end. Bottlenecks seem to be easing somewhat, such as breakbulk... Read More

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