US DOC issues first exclusions from Section 232 tariffs on steel imports
The US Department of Commerce (US DOC) has announced that its Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has begun granting its first product exclusions from the Section 232 tariffs on imports of steel. The US DOC stated that seven different US companies importing steel products from Japan, Sweden, Belgium, Germany and China have been excluded from the 25 percent additional duties on steel imports. The companies receiving the exclusions are as follows: Schick... Read More
Canada concludes reinvestigation of rebar imports from certain countries
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has announced that it has concluded a reinvestigation to update the normal values and export prices respecting rebar originating in or exported from China, South Korea, Turkey, Belarus, Taiwan, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, Japan, Portugal and Spain, and the amounts of subsidy of certain rebar originating in or exported from China. Accordingly, the CBSA stated that specific normal values... Read More
Canada starts antidumping reinvestigation againts rebar imports from several countries
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has announced that it has initiated an antidumping duty reinvestigation to update the normal values and export prices respecting certain concrete reinforcing bar (rebar) originating in or exported from China, South Korea, Turkey, Belarus, Taiwan, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, Japan, Portugal and Spain and a countervailing duty reinvestigation to update... Read More
US DOC revised final margins for rebar imports from Turkey
The US Department of Commerce (DOC) has announced that it has revised the final dumping and subsidy margins and cash deposit rates imposed on reinforcing bar imports from Turkey based on affirmative final determinations by the DOC and the US International Trade Administration (ITC). The DOC stated that it is amending its affirmative final determination for Turkey to correct ministerial errors. Accordingly, the new final dumping margins range between... Read More
US ITC confirms US DOC margins on rebar imports from Turkey and Japan
The United States International Trade Commission (US ITC) determined that the US industry is materially injured by reason of imports of steel concrete reinforcing bar from Japan and Turkey that the US Department of Commerce (DOC) has determined are sold in the United States at less than fair value and subsidized by the government of Turkey. Chairman Rhonda K. Schmidtlein, Vice Chairman David S. Johanson, and Commissioners Irving A. Williamson, Meredith... Read More
US DOC issues final AD/CVD margins for rebar from Turkey and Japan
The US Department of Commerce (US DOC) has announced its final determinations in the antidumping (AD) duty investigation of rebar imports from Japan and Turkey and also its final determination in the countervailing duty (CVD) investigation of imports of rebar from Turkey. Accordingly, the US DOC has calculated final dumping margins ranging from 5.39 percent and 209.46 percent for the two countries in question. Meanwhile, the final subsidy margin for... Read More
IREPAS in Budapest: Market players optimistic about outlook for steel
The 76th meeting of IREPAS (International Rebar Exporters and Producers Association) was held in Budapest, Hungary on March 26-28, 2017. There were 107 producer representatives among the 352 registered delegates from 40 different countries. There were also 58 registrations representing 35 different raw material suppliers. At the opening of the conference, Murat Cebecioglu, chairman of IREPAS said that the steel industry has once again succeeded in... Read More
Short Range Outlook : March 2017
Still improving supply-demand balance creates brighter picture in global longs market The supply-demand balance continues to improve in regions like the US, Europe and Asia, contributing to a brighter picture in the global long steel products market. US market boosted by restocking and infrastructure spending expectations Demand has improved in the US as buyers have been restocking. In addition, President Trump’s promise to spend one trillion... Read More
US DOC announces preliminary antidumping margins in rebar trade case
On March 1, 2017, the US Department of Commerce (DOC) announced its affirmative preliminary determinations in the antidumping duty investigations of rebar imports from Japan, Taiwan, and Turkey and released preliminary dumping rates: The preliminary antidumping duty rates per country and company are as follows: Japan Jonan Steel Corporation : 209.46% Kyoei Steel Ltd. : 209.46% All Others : 209.46% Taiwan Power Steel Co. : 3.48% Lo-Toun Steel... Read More
US DOC announced preliminary CVD rates for Turkish rebar imports
The US Department of Commerce (DOC) today announced its affirmative preliminary determination in the countervailing duty (CVD) investigation of rebar imports from Turkey. The DOC calculated a preliminary subsidy rate of 3.47 percent for the mandatory respondent Habas and “all others,” although there are currently no Turkish rebar producers or exporters subject to it because the ongoing investigation only covers companies that were excluded from... Read More