US ITC votes to maintain antidumping duty order on rebar imports from seven countries

The US International Trade Commission (ITC) has determined that revoking the existing antidumping duty order on rebar from Belarus, China, Indonesia, Latvia, Moldova, Poland and Ukraine would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury within a reasonably foreseeable time. As a result of the ITC’s affirmative determination, the existing order on imports of this product from these countries will remain in place. The weighted-average... Read More

Short Range Outlook : December 2024

Global longs market enters holiday season, but deep uncertainties lie ahead next year The global long steel products market has mostly entered the holiday period. In many markets, business will start moving only after January 13. Many uncertain factors lie ahead for the post-holiday period, including the situation regarding Chinese exports, the actions likely to be taken by the new US administration and the difficulties faced by the steel industry... Read More

US orders preliminary antidumping duty on imported rebar from two Mexican companies

The United States Department of Commerce published the preliminary results of its administrative review of the antidumping duty (AD) order on reinforcing bar exports from Mexico. For Tyasa or TA 2000 the antidumping duty was 22.27 percent and for some companies of Grupo DeAcero it was 8.88 percent. “The US Department of Commerce preliminarily finds that DeAcero and Ingeteknos Estructurales (Ingetek) (collectively, Deacero Group); and TA 2000 (or... Read More

US DOC rescinds review of CVD order on rebar imports from Turkey

The US Department of Commerce (DOC) has announced it has rescinded the administrative review of the countervailing duty order on reinforcing bar imports from Turkey for the period from January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023. The review was initiated on August 14, 2024, with respect to Habas. The DOC concluded there were no entries of the subject merchandise during the period of review.  Read More

Short Range Outlook : November 2024

Gloomy demand picture prevails in global longs market, but possible bright spots on horizon The supply and demand balance in the global long steel products market is being impacted strongly by low demand and it is reasonable to expect that, if the US introduces new market protection measures, other countries will follow. There is simply not enough demand in the world for all the steel produced. Despite the overall gloomy scenario of mostly insufficient... Read More

The 92nd IREPAS meeting will be held in Athens, Greece

The 92nd IREPAS meeting will be held on April 27-29, 2025 in Athens, Greece in conjunction with the SteelOrbis Spring’25 Conference. Details will be announced later.  Read More

IREPAS in Paris : Optimism has been postponed

The 91st meeting of IREPAS (the International Rebar Exporters and Producers Association) was held in Paris on September 15-17 in conjunction with the SteelOrbis Fall’24 Conference. There were 140 representatives from 47 different producers among the 493 registered delegates from a total of 58 different countries. There were also 100 registrations representing 57 different raw material suppliers. At the opening of the conference, Murat Cebecioglu,... Read More

The program of the 91st meeting in Paris

Day 1: Sunday, September 15, 2024 19:00 – 22:00                   Welcome cocktail at Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel Paris   Day 2: Monday, September 16, 2024 09:15 – 09:30                  Welcome address by Chairman of IREPAS   09:30 – 11:00                   SESSION ONE – Global markets and CBAM impact - Latest developments in the global steel market and recent trends... Read More

US issues preliminary anti dumping decision on rebar from Turkey

The US Department of Commerce (DOC) has announced the preliminary results of its administrative reviews of the antidumping duty orders on reinforcing steel bar from Turkey. During the review period from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, some Turkey producers were found to have made sales of the given products at less than normal value. The DOC has determined a weighted-average dumping margin of 1.05 percent for Colakoglu Metalurji A.S./Colakoğlu Dis... Read More

The 91st IREPAS meeting will be held in Paris, France

The 91st IREPAS meeting will be held from September 15th to 17th, 2024 in Paris, France in conjunction with the SteelOrbis Fall’24 Conference. There are already over 260 registrations, including 82 by raw material suppliers and 70 by producers. The details can be found here.  Read More

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