US DOC sets preliminary margins against wire rod imports from Belarus, Russia, and the UAE

The United States Department of Commerce (US DOC) announced preliminary findings that carbon and alloy steel wire rod from Belarus, Russia and the United Arab Emirates are being dumped in the US market. Preliminary margins are set as follows: Belarus                                : 280.02 percent Russia                                  : 436.80-756.93 percent UAE                                     ... Read More

Short Range Outlook – September 2017

Further improvements in global long steel market amid lack of pressure from China Demand in the global long steel products market is good and has even been increasing slightly in almost all markets as there is no pressure from China on the international market. Strong domestic steel consumption in China reduces prospects for Chinese exports Some months ago, the consensus of steel sector analysts was that steel demand in China would decrease during... Read More

US ITC votes to continue investigation into wire rod imports from 10 countries

The US International Trade Commission (USITC) today determined that there is a reasonable indication that a US industry is materially injured or threatened with material injury by reason of imports of carbon and certain alloy steel wire rod from Belarus, Italy, Korea, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom that are allegedly sold in the United States at less than fair value and subsidized by... Read More

US DOC initiates AD/CVD investigation into wire rod imports

The US Department of Commerce (DOC) announced on April 18th, the initiation of antidumping duty investigations of imports of carbon and alloy steel wire rod from Belarus, Italy, Korea, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom, and companion countervailing duty CVD investigations of imports of carbon and alloy steel wire rod from Italy and Turkey. Alleged dumping margins are as follows: Belarus :... Read More

US wire rod producers file AD/CVD petition against 10 countries

Below mentioned four major US steel producers, Gerdau Ameristeel US Inc., Nucor Corporation Keystone Consolidated Industries, Inc., Charter Steel today filed petitions charging that unfairly-traded imports of carbon and alloy steel wire rod from Belarus, Italy, South Korea, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom are causing material injury to the domestic industry. The petitions allege that producers... Read More

Short Range Outlook : November 2016

Global long steel products market enjoys its best environment since 2013 The global long steel products market is currently enjoying its best environment since 2013, while sentiment has improved significantly. Supply and demand in the market are now a lot more in equilibrium compared to previous months. Fewer offers from China and Russia seen in global market Demand had made a weak start to October, as sellers were continuing with their seasonal fourth... Read More

Short Range Outlook : December 2015

Sentiment generally negative in global long steel products market Sentiment in the global long steel products market is generally negative due to the expected seasonal slowdown at the end of the year. Most markets are approaching holidays periods and, as buyers in many areas decided on their last purchases of the year in the previous weeks, activity has slackened lately. EU and North American mills have been able to get their orders Long product mills... Read More

UAE denies cancellation of duty exemption

The UAE Ministry of Economy has officially denied speculations that, the exemption allowing the cut end bend facilities in the country to import steel without paying the 5% import duty has been cancelled. The Ministry stated that the cut and bend facilities in the UAE will be under strict control amid reports of serious illegal practices, as there are claims of imported rebars being sold in to the domestic market without any cutting and bending... Read More

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