Canada banned the import of all Russian aluminum and steel products

Canada banned the import of all Russian aluminum and steel products in a move that Ottawa said was aimed at denying Russia the ability to fund its war against Ukraine. The ban covers both finished and unfinished products according to the statement.  Read More

Short Range Outlook : December 2022

First quarter of 2023 could be very difficult for global long products market Raw material costs are increasing once again and energy prices are expected to be very high at least until March 2023. Mills are facing cost pressures once more in the global long steel products market. Business activity has been reduced during the past month and, even though scrap and iron ore prices have gone up, net margins have either at best kept pace or in some cases... Read More

Short Range Outlook : November 2022

Demand at crisis levels in global longs market, unlikely to improve in coming months Demand in the global long steel products market is either very low or there is no demand at all, depending on the region. Overall demand is less than real supply and possible supply increases. The demand for ferrous materials has also slowed down considerably as industrial outlooks have lost visibility. Energy cost uncertainty and the destruction of demand have led... Read More

EU’s duty suspension for Ukrainian products

The European Council has adopted a regulation allowing for trade liberalization and other trade concessions with regard to certain Ukrainian products for one year. The council stated that the regulation, which will come into force on June 4, 2022, will apply to the products either in transit from Ukraine to the EU or under customs control in the EU. All antidumping duties and safeguard measures on Ukrainian products are also lifted. According to the... Read More

IREPAS in Istanbul: War in Ukraine has fundamentally changed sentiment and product flows

The 86th meeting of IREPAS (the International Rebar Exporters and Producers Association) was held in Istanbul, Turkey, on May 29-31, 2022, in conjunction with the SteelOrbis Spring ’22 Conference. There were 191 producer representatives from 60 different companies among the record high 766 registered delegates from a total of 59 different countries. There were also 105 registrations representing 51 different raw material suppliers. At the opening... Read More

EU suspends all duties and quotas on Ukrainian imports for one year

The European Council has stated that it has adopted a regulation allowing for temporary trade liberalization and other trade concessions with regard to certain Ukrainian products. All import duties on Ukrainian goods are suspended for one year. In addition, all antidumping duties and safeguard measures on Ukrainian products are also lifted.  Read More

Short Range Outlook : May 2022

Global longs market faces challenges and uncertainties amid ongoing war in Ukraine Some oversupply is observed here and there in the global long steel products market. The market situation is getting worse. In particular, there is a vacuum in Western markets due to the war in Ukraine. Price hikes were very rapid and very steep, which could be a reason. Energy prices have negatively impacted manufacturing, especially in Europe. Inflation is another... Read More

The program of the 86th meeting in Istanbul

Day 1: Sunday, May 29,2022 19:00 – 22:00                   Welcome cocktail at Four Seasons Hotel Bosphorus Istanbul   Day 2: Monday, May 30, 2022 09:00 – 09:15                   Welcome address by Chairman of IREPAS   09:15 – 10:00                    SESSION ONE: Critical changes in global long steel markets - Long products market outlook Overview of global construction... Read More

Short Range Outlook : April 2022

War in Ukraine a major gamechanger for global longs market The war in Ukraine has changed sentiment in the global long steel products market as well as fundamentally altering the flow of raw materials and finished products almost overnight. There is more demand than secure supply in the market. Before the war, the expectations were that demand would determine the direction of prices, contrary to 2021 when supply was the driving factor. Today, however,... Read More

Short Range Outlook : March 2022

Global longs market at unprecedented juncture after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine The global long steel products market has entered a new and completely unprecedented situation as a result of the war in Ukraine. The current situation means one of the largest suppliers of many raw and semi-processed materials will be completely excluded from the market for an unforeseeable period of time, with the consequences being almost impossible to predict at... Read More

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