Australia initiated antidumping duty investigation on rebar imports from Turkey
The Australian Government Antidumping Commission has announced that it has initiated an antidumping duty investigation against rebar imports from Turkey. The investigation has been launched upon the application of Liberty OneSteel, on the grounds of loss of market share and price suppression due to lower prices of imported goods from Turkey than their normal value.
The investigation will cover the period between October 1, 2017 and September 30, 2018. Liberty OneSteel estimates a dumping margin of 8.2 percent, whereas the Commission’s estimation regarding the dumping margin is 12.6 percent.
The goods subject to the investigation are classified under the following Customs Tariff Statistics Position Numbers: 7213.10.00, 7214.20.00, 7227.90.10, 7227.90.90, 7228.30.10, 7228.30.90, 7228.60.10.