US DOC removes Section 232 exemptions for six steel products

The Bureau of Industry and Security of the US Department of Commerce (DOC) has published a final rule that revises the Section 232 exclusion process for steel and aluminum imports discussed in the five previous interim final rules.

Accordingly, the DOC has lifted Section 232 import duty exemptions for 12 products including six steel and six aluminum products by removing the products from the list of General Approved Exclusions.

The six steel products covering certain flat rolled steel products and sections are provided for in subheadings 7211296080, 7209900000, 7216330090, 7209270000, 7216100010, and 7208380015 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). The changes in question will be effective from July 1, 2024.

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